Germafia. How the Mafia is taking over Germany. Reading with Sandro Mattioli
30/05/2024 | Haus der EKD
Pluralist democracy is being attacked from different directions. The Italian mafia is one of the anti-democratic forces. Prosecutors speak of several thousand mafiosi active in Germany.

Investigative journalist and author Sandro Mattioli reads from his new book "Germafia. How the Mafia is taking over Germany" and reports on his research into mafia activities in Germany.

The Italian mafia sees Germany as prey and is trying to infiltrate democratic structures. The Calabrian 'Ndrangheta is the organization that takes the most strategic approach. The German state is hardly doing anything about it.

Why is that? Mattioli reports in detail and vividly about his research, about intimidation and mafia activities in German institutions and in areas where one would never have suspected it before.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"