Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by RushStreet
I think its fair to say that Detroit back then controlled the smuggling routes into Canada?

That's correct. First with liquor during Prohibition. And later, with narcotics smuggling.

Others did as well, like the Buffalo, Cleveland, etc. But for that neck of the woods Detroit was active that way.

In your opinion was there a time that Detroit was as powerful as Chicago?

IMO, the two Families were very different. Detroit was always a smaller Family than Chicago. But, although The Chicago Outfit was very powerful back in its day, so too was the Joe Zerilli Family, but in different ways. As you know they were a very tight-knit family and the founders of that borgata trace their lineage back to Sicily. Zerilli, Tocco, Priziola, etc. They were very, very well-respected guys (sharp guys,) who did things according to Hoyle (according to Cosa Nostra's strict rules and regulations.) Hence, they always carried themselves with the utmost respect, and were, in turn, respected for it. They were no slouches.

Also, although they engaged in major warfare during the early days of the 1910-1930s era and killed lots of guys, (as did most of the families as they secured power in their respective cities,) they were not bloodthirsty either.

They were very much "businessmen" for lack of a better word. Maybe hoodlum businessmen, lol, but businessmen nonetheless.

They were a smart crew.