Senter getting put,,,, might as well get david wejwitz out the son of sam or lets set the green killer out,,,, we lettin this piece out why not.. and just beacuse the was thheir crime before1987 ,, they deserve to be out and cuz the very very young at the time of the butcherin who the fucj are you kidding
1 would they get parlole if detective Joe Coffey be alive hell no.
2 the judge who gave them lifetime away.....NO
3 or even art raffel who arrest they all gone.... they would never stand for this hit....and yes i knowall de demeo crew are gome out and pile on me,,,,,i dont sentet coulnt care lee about him but Joey was very very frinedly with the guards.....=eaqual a prison rat,,,, i hope his nephew read this....