James Marcello was identified as the boss during family secrets and Michael Sarno's case didn't mention LCN at all from what I remember which is becoming more common in these mafia cases. We all know there's a magnitude of false information about Chicago and we can see it at play basically anytime it's brought up. I know it's believe he had been Boss and I'm not saying John DiFronzo wasn't boss ever but I can't think of any primary source saying he was. There's no question the succession went from John Monteleone to James Marcello to Michael Sarno after that it's murky maybe John DiFronzo maybe Albert Vena maybe and probably Salvatore DeLaurentis.

I don't think it's odd Sal Cataudella wasn't named in Michael Sarno's indictment. We see indictments all the time where people don't get named. Just because Sal Cataudella was Sarno's Underboss doesn't mean he was involved in the crimes related to Michael Sarno's case either.

I'm not sure what influence or power Michael Sarno allegedly has and I obviously don't take most of what Scott Burnstein writes seriously.

I think we get into rumorville when we start talking about current positions like Albert Vena's and others.