Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I really dislike coming on here and having conflict with condescending, mean spirited, people who talk down to you in attempts to make themselves feel more intelligent. I have enough conflict in life as it is, without having to turn to unsocial media for more. That being said I'll proceed with making the case for why Jason Simpson was Nicole's murderer, even though OJ Simpson was guilty, and the LAPD framed a guilty man for a murder he did not commit but attempted to cover up.

··· If the crime scene had been the horrific bloodbath described by media reports, why was it that such small amounts of blood were found in Simpson's Bronco?

·· ·If he had made his getaway from Nicole's condo and driven directly home to make certain he caught a scheduled late-night flight to Chicago, didn't it stand to reason that there would have been blood on the vehicle's gas pedal, brake or steering wheel?

·· ·Why, in the wall-to-wall beige carpeting inside Simpson's home, was there no blood left by a man who, just minutes earlier, had stabbed and killed two people?

The prosecution asserts that OJ soiled his socks by walking through his wife's blood. However, this was called into question by the defense and their experts. " Blood found on O.J. Simpson’s socks the day after his ex-wife’s murder was “transferred” - not spattered, a bloodstain expert testified Thursday, supporting a defense contention that police planted evidence against Simpson.

Herbert MacDonell, a former New York college professor and recognized expert on the “geometry of bloodstains,” told jurors that he used a stereo-microscope to analyze the bloodstains on one of the socks found in Simpson’s bedroom.

The bloodied socks are a crucial link tying Simpson to the June 12, 1994, stabbing deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. DNA tests have revealed that blood on the socks closely matches Nicole Simpson’s genetic type.

But MacDonell, showing photographic blow-ups that resembled abstract paintings, testified that the cross-hatching pattern of blood on the black sock fibers made it “very clear” that the blood “was not spattered” during a murder-scene struggle between Simpson and his ex-wife, as prosecutors contend.

Instead, MacDonell described the staining as a “classic … compression transfer,” most likely caused when the sock came in contact with a bloody surface.

“Would that be consistent with a smear as opposed to a spatter?” asked defense attorney Peter Neufeld, pressing the defense theory that police smeared Nicole Simpson’s blood on the socks to implicate her ex-husband in the murders.

“It’s not as consistent with a smear as it is just having blood on your hand or some object and touching it and pulling it away,” MacDonell said.

MacDonell also told of finding microscopic “balls” of blood adhered to the inside of the sock, opposite the main bloodstain - a finding that defense lawyers have said shows that the socks had been taken off before the staining occurred.

But Judge Lance Ito stopped MacDonell from giving jurors his opinion on “whether the ankle was in or outside the sock at the time” the sock was bloodied, in Neufeld’s words."
Also, when Ronald Goldman(RG) was murdered. He was murdered in an area under a tree, full of loose soil, that forensics technician Dennis Fung testified to observing. However, Fung didn't observe any of the soil, in the socks, on the floor of OJ's Bronco, in the foyer of the Rockingham estate or on the floor of OJ's bedroom, where the socks were located.

Attorney Alan Dershowitz, who represented Simpson during the trial stated" The prosecution's theory was very simple: mountain of evidence. How can you explain the blood on the glove, the blood on the socks, the blood on the floor, the blood on the gate? It was a circumstantial case with overwhelming evidence, and a case that the prosecution easily could have won if they hadn't made so many mistakes.

Number one, they relied on lies. They overstated their case. They planted evidence. They didn't have to, but they did. They put on a policeman who was a Nazi lover and a perjurer and an evidence planter. That made our day, as the defense. And the defense decided to do something very simple: put on only truthful expert witnesses; put on no one who was in any way really controversial.

So the defense presented a credible case, [and we were] able to show that the prosecution's case was full of lies. That doesn't mean that ultimate truth was on one side or the other, but the defense got the jury to focus on the lies of the prosecution rather than on the innocence or guilt of the defendant. …"
After Jason learned Nicole chose to go to Mezzaluna for dinner instead of his restaurant on his first night as head chef. He became enraged and called his father to vent. OJ tried to calm him down over the phone and after hanging up, decided to pass by Nicole's to make sure everything was OK. Instead he encountered Jason, at Nicole's, just after the murders. Jason gave OJ the glove to dispose of and went to his car parked nearby and left. OJ took the glove and went back to the Rockingham estate.

Below is a brief animation of how the murders occurred based on the injuries and locations of the bodies.

If you watched the video, you'll see where perpetrator strikes Nicole on the right side of her head with the hilt of the knife, causing her to strike a wall next to her, with the left side of her head, knocking her put immediately.

"8. Blunt force injury to head: On the right side of the scalp, 4 inches above the right external auditory canal there is a scalp bruise; this is revealed after postmortem shaving of the scalp. It measures 1 x 1 inches and is red-violet or purple in color. The skin is smooth, non-abraded or lacerated. Subsequent autopsy discloses fresh deep scalp hemorrhage and fresh dark red-purple subgaleal hemorrhage or bruising measuring 2 x 1 1/4 inches. Inferiorly the bruise extends to the superficial right temporal muscle. There is no associated skull fracture."

This knife was discovered in a storage locker rented by Jason Simpson that was abandoned when he failed to pay monthly charges. The butt of the hilt matches the wound on the right side of Nicole's head.

The area under the tree, where Ron Goldman(RG) was murdered, was a planter for a tree and was filled with loose dirt with was disturbed in the struggle as noted by Dennis Fung. However, no soil was discovered in OJ's Bronco, the Rockingham estate foyer or OJ's bedroom where the bloody socks were discovered. This was because it was actually Jason wearing the Bruno Maglis he had helped himself to previously. Jason was also wearing the gloves, one he removed to search for the wool cap which came off in the fight. He couldn't find the cap or the glove he removed in the darkness, and left both at the scene. OJ returned to the Rockingham estate where he lost the glove behind the bungalow where Kato Kaelin was staying and where Mark Fuhrman later discovered it, the rest is history.

O.J. Trial Focuses On Footprints Top Expert Says He Detected Second Set At Crime Scene
Henry C. Lee, perhaps the most prominent criminalist in the world, testified Tuesday that he detected a second set of footprints outside Nicole Brown Simpson’s condominium on Bundy Drive, where she and Ronald Goldman were slashed and stabbed to death, that could not have come from Bruno Magli shoes.

In testimony that held the jury and spectators transfixed, Lee, a native of China who speaks in halting English, told the jury that the imprints were on the walkway, on the envelope that contained Juditha Brown’s eyeglasses and on a piece of white paper near Goldman’s body that appeared in a crime-scene photograph but was not collected by police.

Lee said the second set of prints had a parallel-line pattern different from the grid-like pattern on the Bruno Magli prints identified by an FBI expert who testified earlier for the prosecution. The prosecution was unable to establish that Simpson owned such a pair of shoes.

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