Originally Posted by Lenox
Pennisi does seem extremely thin skinned and gets insulted very easily. He comes across as the type of guy that you would be friends with one minute and the next minute he would stop talking to you because he took something you said the wrong way. Very strange.
I still say his cooperation started over something that happened with his girlfriend at the time.

Yea some of that I haven’t fully understood yet. He thinks one of big John’s brothers was after his girl, was potentially even sleeping with her. He then also said that he thought Joe perna was the one who sent guys to lay on him, I think there was some kind of falling out to do with pernas wife maybe? It got a bit confusing but sounds like he had people unhappy with him from different angles and the inevitable rat label got put on him. Which is funny when someone gets labeled a rat and then later becomes one lol were they a rat all along or did the accusations drive them to it…? People certainly have been killed for being wrongly labeled so it’s a dangerous game.