Originally Posted by CNote
I've been biting my tongue listening to the crap pile up on this thread. Anyone who watched the trial everyday, 30 years ago, like I did, and the 12 jurors, 3 of whom were white, and came to same conclusion in 3 hours of deliberation. The prosecution couldn't prove OJ did it, and that's the bottom line. Barry Scheck completely discredited Dennis Fung's sloppy collection techniques, failure to properly store collection samples, the LAPD crime lab, and the tainted blood samples. The time-line proposed by the prosecution was contradicted by 3 separate witnesses, 2 of which walked past Nicole's condo around 10:30 and said everything was quiet with no barking dog. Another male neighbor walking his dog, one street over from S. Bundy Dr, heard "Hey, hey, hey" in a male voice coming from NBS condo, with another male voice responding, and a metal gate shutting at 10:35 pm. This left 15 minutes for OJ to return home, clean up, and meet the limo driver at 10:50pm. OJ would have been covered in blood, yet no blood was found on the gas or brake pedals of his Ford Bronco, even though he had repeatedly stepped in pools of blood only trace evidence of blood was found. The incriminating blood samples, the blood on the socks found a the Rockingham estate and the blood drop on back gate of the condo on S Bundy Dr. were both contaminated with EDTA a preservative AND an anti-coagulant . When Marcia Clark tried to refute the edta evidence by claiming the contamination occurred from detergent on the sock or being already in OJ's system was refuted by the FBI agent who proved the edta was in the blood sample, and not the sock. Also, because edta is also an anti-coagulant, the level of edta in OJ's blood would have rendered him a hemophiliac. Finally, if your going to rest the foundation of your case on critical, sensitive, scientific and fragile evidence, then it is fundamental to ensure the pristine condition of said evidence. Otherwise the very foundation upon which rests the edifice your argument is undermined by the evidence your attempting to use.

If you look at the real evidence there was tons of blood in the Bronco. Also he changed his clothes before he got inside the Bronco. They were placed inside a bag. They also had 50 suspects originally and determined there was only one killer. Also on a scale where a minus 6 score indicates “borderline” deception, Simpson scored a dismal minus 20, showing “definite deception” in his answers to questions surrounding the June 12, 1994, killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

This was a premeditated murder and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Last edited by RushStreet; 04/16/24 01:15 AM.