Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by MafiaStudent

Sleeping: Until now, this was not known to be an indicator of a threat to society. Presumably it is listed somewhere in Federal Code of Criminal Procedure. As for "Moving," the feds don't indicate exactly how much Crea is capable of, but if he can make it to the bathroom this must present a clear and present danger.

Good point by Jerry Capeci !


But remember this too. Crea's nobody special to the BOP. To them, he's just another inmate. And as far as so-called wiseguys go, there's been plenty before him, and they'll be plenty after him, that will die behind bars. Thats a well documented fact of jail life. So, as the saying goes, "It is what it is."

That's also the difference with Europe.
If you get cancer while you are in prison or a TBS clinic, you have the right to health care just like anyone else . You must receive physical and mental care that is equivalent to care outside prison. Yet your freedom of choice as a cancer patient in detention is limited.
In most cases terminally ill convicts will be released here.

If the guy's a nobody, he "may" get cut loose here. But if he's a somebody, especially if he's an alleged "Cosa Nostra" figure somebody....then "fuhgettaboudit" as they say!