Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Why not leave the guy alone...God bless him and his family.

This is a horrible event....one that everybody here will be experiencing during their lifetime, (if they haven't already.)

Whatever he did or didn't do in his lifetime is strictly between him and God. And I'm certain they'll be discussing it soon enough when he meets his maker? No?

So why the fuck is anybody dissecting this on a forum? Why?

I mean, WTF is wrong with people????

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by RushStreet
I agree NYMafia. The US Government treats Terrorists better than this guy, which is fucked up.

I agree. But it AIN'T about that Rush. He's an Italian wiseguy, and that what Italians wiseguys face! Its the reality of the life and has been for almost a half-century already. I mean, enough is enough with all the bulllshit already. It is what it fucking is!

That said, If Stevie had a problem with that, then he shoulda got a civil service job back when...
Nonetheless, leave the fucking guy alone already (and his family loved ones too for that matter.)

He's at death's door for God's sake...

What is this, a fucking blood sport? Leave all the gossip and bullshit at the curb. What has this thread become, a bunch of fucking wash women?

LOL settle down and stop being a drama queen. Steven Crea is a well known, serious and respected wiseguy. Of course news like this is going to be a deal on a forum about ORGANIZED CRIME. It's an internet forum and you know what people do on an internet forum, don't you? That's right, they state their opinion and they gossip just like they do in their daily lives. All of us on here - you and me included - are not above gossiping whenever we state our opinion about something in a thread so nobody who's active on here should fancy him/herself as some kind of referee on what others can or can't discuss. There wasn't even much "dissecting" going on. Just people stating their opinion with some saying he should go home so he's able to spend time with his family (an opinion I'll stick to) and others saying he shouldn't be able to go home. People will have their opinion about anything and everything and a person who can't deal with that should probably stay off the internet for a while. By the way, I doubt Steven Crea will - let alone should - care about what a bunch of nobodies on the internet will have to say about him and his life. It really is no big deal so there's really no need to throw a tantrum about people having a discussion on a discussion forum.

Well, that may be your opinion, and you're welcome to it. But I disagree. As far as I'm concerned, many posters on this particular thread sound like a bunch of cackling hens and wash women.

Thats my opinion!...and I'm just as entitled to it and you or anybody else on here. Get It?