Thanks I will def have another look at Bunker's work.

Historic $30 Million Easter Heist Plunges Los Angeles into Alarm and Intrigue
By LoriW -04/09/2024

In a daring scheme nestled into the quiet backdrop of Easter weekend, the city of Los Angeles fell victim to what could potentially rank at the top of the most sizeable cash heists in U.S history. With an estimated loot of $30 million, this audacious burglary has sparked waves of speculation and intrigue among the public – a populace both fascinated and alarmed by grand-scale robberies and their astonishing illicit residuals.

In a meticulously executed plan, the culprits managed to infiltrate a suburban Sylmar neighborhood’s cash storage facility, ensuing the breach of a safe that lay within – a vault that ideally should have been, but evidently was not, unbreachable. The spoils amounted reportedly to as much as $30 million, sending the local law enforcement and the FBI into a frenzy of investigative action.

To an intrigued onlooker, the crime scene might seem like an elementary, albeit well-planned, crime of burglary. But reports conveyed by sources of authority painted a more vivid image. Police Commander Elaine Morales, in an interview with The Los Angeles Times, explained how the thieves managed to penetrate a money storage facility, pry open a heavily fortified safe and escape undetected with an incredible sum of money. The name GardaWorld became quickly associated with the event – a Canadian cash management and security firm identified as the likely location of the heist.

Much like any startling crime, this one too brought forth a range of reactions from experts. Jim McGuffey, a specialist in armored car and physical security, expressed his disbelief at the audacity and success of the theft, questioning the assumed presence and performance of multiple alarm systems, seismic motion detectors, and additional sensors throughout the facility.

Randy Sutton, a seasoned investigator of major crimes and high-end burglaries, hypothesized that the heist was a product of careful long-term planning noticeable in the circumvention of extensive surveillance and security systems. He reasoned that the stolen cash, mostly circulated capital instead of fresh notes from the U.S. Treasury, might be difficult to trace; in response, law enforcement is interviewing both current and former GardaWorld employees familiar with the company’s security protocols.

But the question that befuddles many is the sheer logistic complexity of moving $30 million in cash. A million-dollar bundle of notes hardly weighs more than ten kilograms, with larger denominations reducing the weight significantly. But, the load of $30 million, especially in varied denominations, could reach up to an astounding 3.5 tons. The culprits must have had a plan to launder the vast sum effectively and quickly, remarked Sutton.

This audacious burglary finds its place in a line of infamous cash thefts, each as daring as the next. The previous record holder was the 1997 armed heist of nearly $19 million at the Los Angeles Dunbar Armored Co. depot, a meticulously planned operation involving an inside man and five armed robbers, taking years to solve and recover a fraction of the stolen loot.

Beyond the realm of true crime, heists have held a beloved spot in pop culture, from the Lufthansa heist of 1978 immortalized in the movie “Goodfellas” to the stunningly fictional Las Vegas casino robbery of $160 million in the “Ocean’s 11” franchise. One can only wait to see, in the wake of this heist, what ripples are created in the true crime world and beyond.

The guard of the illicit wealth of $30 million, its location, its carriers, and its ultimate launderers remain a mystery to be solved by the relentless pursuit of law enforcement. The bold heist serves as a stark reminder that even in the quietest of times, the audacity of crime remains unflinching.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"