Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Let's be honest; alcohol is poison. If you enjoy a drink and if you want to drink, that's entirely up to you. I rarely consume alcohol, but every once in a while I'll have a drink myself as well. But if you're being honest and you cut the crap you'll have to admit that alcohol is something that actively poisons you. When you're sober and you're around someone who even had a slight drink too many it's clear to see that the person in case is functioning on even less than a third of his/her normal mental as well as physical capacity. It's just painful to watch. I've known plenty of people that are quite intelligent while sober, but who turn into absolutely pitiful mentally impaired morons after only a few drinks.

I realize I'm coming across like some kind of anti-alcohol activist, but I'm not and I still do have a drink myself every now and then. I just like to call it out for what it is: poisonous garbage. And when I'm sober I find it easier to deal with people that are high on cocaine than it is to deal with someone who had a few drinks.

Nicely said and I personally agree with your statement. But I drink 3 to 4 beers almost everyday and so does that make me an alcoholic? In some way "yes", and in other way "no". Drinking hard liquor or wine every day is poison as you already said and its only a matter of time when someone will end up six feet underground, but believe it or not some people really function under the influence of booze. For example, again believe it or not, the world's best surgeons and pilots are mainly heavy drinkers. Again, I agree on everything you said but I have to disagree on the booze vs cocaine situation. You can never see a drunk guy having an epileptic seizure in front of you and also blood coming out from his nose, while on the other hand...I think you know what Im saying?!

I do agree that some types of drinks are worse than others. And some people certainly can hold their drink better than others.
For instance, you ever had to deal with a woman who had two glasses of port wine? It's like she turns over-emotional while at the same time acting like she's in some kind of zombified state. It's horrible.
Dealing with your average guy who downed half a bottle of liquor is even worse. Many turn into drooling bumbling wrecks that are a spasm away from pissing and shitting their pants at the same time. Just pitiful.

Lol +1 especially about drunk women and drunk guys pissing in their pants

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good