Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted by Hollander
Yes it's probably one of the most broken rules in Islam. Alcohol in the Arab world is often a shadowy affair of secret backstreet liquor stores and breweries run by Christians, I read . But compromises ensure that both drinkers and non-drinkers are served.

Lol I've come across many criminals from a Muslim background throughout the years (Moroccan, Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian, Algerian) and I don't think I've met one that didn't drink alcohol. Most were high on weed half of the time and more than a handful snorted almost as much coke as they were selling.
Go to for instance a Moroccan wedding and you'll find a strict traditional wedding going on indoors while young hoods are getting drunk outside on the parking lot from liquor they hid in the trunk of their car lol.

Haha when they are back in Marrakesh, Casablanca or Istanbul it's the same or even worse with all that hashish.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"