Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Let's be honest; alcohol is poison. If you enjoy a drink and if you want to drink, that's entirely up to you. I rarely consume alcohol, but every once in a while I'll have a drink myself as well. But if you're being honest and you cut the crap you'll have to admit that alcohol is something that actively poisons you. When you're sober and you're around someone who even had a slight drink too many it's clear to see that the person in case is functioning on even less than a third of his/her normal mental as well as physical capacity. It's just painful to watch. I've known plenty of people that are quite intelligent while sober, but who turn into absolutely pitiful mentally impaired morons after only a few drinks.

I realize I'm coming across like some kind of anti-alcohol activist, but I'm not and I still do have a drink myself every now and then. I just like to call it out for what it is: poisonous garbage. And when I'm sober I find it easier to deal with people that are high on cocaine than it is to deal with someone who had a few drinks.

Plenty of personal Relationships have been ruined due to the fact that decision making becomes seriously fucked up under the influence for many. It happens every single day in the world in regards to alcohol.

My grandfather and grandmother opened a bar together. He was drinking and giving away all the profits so she gave him the choice to quit drinking or get a divorce. He literally would have an entire bar of people and buy them rounds all night long without charging them.

Last edited by RushStreet; 04/09/24 03:53 PM.