Originally Posted by RushStreet
If a guy is drinking too much and making bad decisions I'd have to say at one time I'd have to have someone get rid of him. Just way too much of a risk to keep him around.

Even if you demote him that isn't going to stop him from going around like a fucking moron and getting fucked up. Too much of a liability.

Well, one of Chicago's most infamous bosses Jack Cerone was an abusive alcoholic (even the feds knew) but still, he was a capo since the late 1940's until he became official boss in 1967 and later he was underboss until his imprisonment in 1986, although back in 1970 he had to take the fall for Ricca and went to jail.....

Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Italy's Toto Riina and Serbia's Arkan...still, two of the most ruthless crime bosses that ever existed on international level....

There are also plenty of Islamic crime bosses who never drink or maybe some wine (haram)

Lol thats true, although I personally never heard about a non-drinking (muslim) Albanian crime boss....terrorist leaders maybe, but not crime leaders....for example, one known Albanian muslim crime boss from the village of Grchec was arrested in Dubai few days ago and his main picture is while being in some restaurant and holding a huge glass of cognac

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good