Originally Posted by NYMafia
Organized crime has provided us with lots of colorful nicknames. Mobsters have been nicknamed for their looks, such as Big Nose Jimmy, Fat Frankie, Skinny Tommy and Cockeyed Joey. Some guys were named for their criminal propensity or legitimate vocation such as Tommy the Blade, Nick the Baker, and so on.....A popular mob nickname were variations of the name “Champ.”

So here’s the challenge…The four hoodlums listed below each had this nickname.

Like Malavita so eloquently said, “You know the drill.”

Your job is to identify each man by listing his REAL “first and last name” and matching the (letter) of his nickname with the corresponding (number) of the city/state he lived and operated in. For instance, you could say C-2, and his real name was Frank Russo.

Have at it fellas. Let’s see how well you know mobsters and their nicknames.

A) Champ
B) The Champ
C) Champ
D) The Champ

1) New York, NY
2) Worcester, MA
3) New York, NY
4) Detroit, MI


Ok, I'll give ya one of the four. Which is also the hardest one in my personal opinion.

B-3 = Augusto (The Champ) Fontana, who was affiliated with the Genovese Family's "Mulberry Street" faction.