'Russia is preparing for large-scale war with NATO'

Russia appears to be preparing for a full-scale war with NATO. Various financial, economic and military indicators point to this, according to the Institute for the Study of War. Such a conflict could arise in the short term, the leading think tank suspects. "Not immediately, but probably faster than some Western analysts think."

The ISW bases itself on statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who in recent years emphasized stabilizing Russia's financial future. This is noticeable in Western countries, including Poland, where President Andrzej Duda suggested that Russia has switched to a war economy. The intention would be to attack NATO as early as 2026 or 2027.

Denmark is also watching for a possible war with Russia. For example, Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said on February 9 that new intelligence indicates that Russia could attack a NATO country within three to five years.

The ISW also notes military restructuring and changes in legislation in Russia. These would pave the way for short-term success in Ukraine and prepare Russia for a confrontation with NATO in the future. “Continued personnel changes within the Russian Ministry of Defense could be further indicators of Russia's preparations for long-term conflict,” the think tank added.

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Will a second war break out on European soil after the one in Ukraine? In an analysis in The Wall Street Journal, authors from the think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies warn that 2024 could be the year when the bomb explodes in Serbia and Kosovo, partly due to Russia.

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