Originally posted by Partagas:
[quote]Originally posted by Aziatic:
[b] The King Of Queens of course....
Anyone who watches the King of Queens is a friend of mine - I love that show!!!!!!! [/b][/quote]:D

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
I understand you also have seen only 5 episodes of the series at the moment, so we still don't know what there is behind that guy. You see every character has his own story (possibly an unpredictable one, as in the case of the girl who has problems with the justice) we are shown in each episode. Who knows why he joined Saddam troops? Maybe he just believed it was the right thing to do, only to discover the horrible truth later (as many soldiers do, in every contry in every war in every time)...let's wait and see what they planned for this guy. Anyway, one thing is absolutely sure: the series authors are NOT sending a false message....they cannot be as naive.
Yea I get your point, we'll see what happens with the character and how the story develops and maybe we'll get to know why he joined them...

Does some1 else the similarities to "The Lord Of The Flies"? But of course this story being much more versatile and much better

*can't wait for the next episode*

Quote of the Moment:

"Fredo - you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever."
Michael Corleone

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