Originally Posted by Lenox
Guys I saw his interview and I have to tell you, I really feel bad for the guy. He went through hell and he seems like a nice guy. I cant imagine what he endured at Supermaxx. He was Greg Scarpa's son and he basically was brought into that life. Crazy story and he had some huge balls.
Interesting about the name " wimpy boys".. They didnt come up with the name.

They took the name from the wimpy boy social club. Anyway Scarpa jr wasnt a sissy. He killed for the family 2 or 3 times and had the ball to beat Amuso in prison for saying that hes father was a rat.
The worst thing is that he get 40 y for selling dope. But after the Amuso beating was placed with domestic and foreign terrorists and both times helped the feds but first had a 10 years reduction that was erased by the feds and the only reason Scarpa jr is free is because a cancer made a hole in his throat.
If he hadn't been a mobster his sentence would have been halved for the help he gave to the terrorists.