Originally Posted by Millspgh
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Over the years organized crime figures have provided us with thousands of colorful nicknames. Some were funny, some were scary, while some others were just weird.. Mob guys have been nicknamed for how they looked, such as Big Nose Jimmy, Fat Frankie or Skinny Tommy, Jimmy the Gimp, Big Benny, or Scarface Al. Sometimes, guys were named for their criminal propensity or legitimate vocation such as Tommy the Hood, Nick the Baker, and so on...

A somewhat popular nickname were variations of the name “Ross.” So here’s the challenge…The eight hoodlums listed below were each connected to four separate and distinct Mafia Families who conducted operations in a variety of cities and states throughout the United States.

Your job is to match the (letter) of each nickname with the corresponding (number) of the state their Family was headquartered in. For instance, you could say, A-4, or C-5.

Have at it fellas. Let’s see how well you know your mobsters and their nicknames.

A) Al Ross
B) Willie Ross
C) Joe Ross
D) Ross
E) Bobby Ross
F) Ross
G) Ross
H) Al Ross
1) Dallas, TX
2) Buffalo, NY
3) New York, NY (Genovese)
4) New York, NY (Genovese)
5) Dallas, TX
6) New York, NY (Genovese)
7) Pittsburgh, PA
8) New York, NY (Genovese)

Pittsburgh associate Abraham Zeid went by the names Al Zeid and Al Ross.
If you look him up you’ll see he was tortured and murdered and was indeed talking to the feds.
He was an interesting fellow and was an active earner in his day.


That answer is correct. So its now two down...with six to go!