Originally Posted by Brovelli
I agree with a lot of this. On the flip side, today would you want to induct someone whose only asset is violence? Times have changed and they have adjusted their way of surviving accordingly. Every inducted member is expected to be capable of violence but making money is far more of an asset for them today. Thats why it appears like most guys that do get inducted now are either guys who were violent back in the 80s/90s and have grown up or guys 40+ with successful businesses who can handle themselves (or maybe they can’t lol). There is an in for some younger guys as they seem to be clinging onto some gambling rackets somehow and loan sharking still has its value. But the intimidation aspect is not of benefit anymore in most scenarios. Every case they get you have some idiot making threats on the phone, but there aren’t many cases so they must be doing something right. Or they’re all in poverty like the Colombo administration member who couldn’t pay rent or whatever the story was. But from what I see they seem to be generally middle income guys doing ok for themselves

Is a middle income worth being in the mafia for? That’s another debate lol

See thats the issue. The way it is now, in 2024, many guys who once would have thought about organized crime as a career, well they have an education. They have degrees. Therefore they can get a job out of college that plays 100 grand a year base salary and move up each year making more.

To earn that in the mafia you gotta risk getting throw in jail and making your bones by doing time if you are serious. The way the laws are now, they will throw the book at you if you don't rat. They will let a gang banger like in Chicago shoot someone and let him out of prison faster than a guy who is involved in the mafia.

To find good recruits who are willing to do the dirty work to make their way up in the mob is very hard to come by in this generation.