A somewhat popular nickname were variations of “Buck.” So here’s the question; The seven hoods listed below were connected to various mob factions in states throughout the country. Match the letter of each nickname with the number of the corresponding state they affiliated with. For instance, you could say, A-7, or C-2

Have at it fellas. Let’s see how well you know you’re mobsters and their nicknames.

A) Buck Jones
B) Davy Buck
C) Bucky
D) Nicky Buck
E) Bucky
F) Buck
G) Bucky Jones

1) New York (I incorrectly had this as Illinois. There are actually 2 NY and 3 IL)
2) New York
3) Colorado
4) Illinois
5) Illinois
6) Pennsylvania
7) Illinois

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/04/24 02:59 PM.