These continuous infantile attacks aimed at me are actually laughable...predictable, pathetic, and only serve to display and prove you're growing frustrations.

In fact, you're childish "elementary schoolyard level" comments provide proof positive that I am correct in all my assumptions. (So, by all means, do keep it I care. To the contrary, I actually find it quite amusing)

All I did was state clear facts and statistics (in a thread started by another forum member) And I did so in a very calm and methodical and surgical way. But I guess the facts don't work very well with your false narratives and bullshit agenda...They are a very inconvenient truth.

So now Jaceydom, CNote, JCrusher, and Giacalone and a few others are trying they're best to make a "coordinated" attack on me. Because in truth, They are the ones now feeling the heat after being "outed" and are now shitting they're frilly panties.

And judging from those sorry ass statistics I just posted up earlier for everyone on this forum to see and read for themselves, who could say they blame them, right?
PS: Like actor Edward G. Robinson, playing the part of Enrico (Rico) Bandello said in the 1931 film classic, Little Caesar, "It seems you can dish it out, but you just can't take it!"

Basically, you guys are embarrassing yourselves more and more to no end. But like I said, "by all means, keep it up. I'm sure everybody here is getting a real good laugh at your expense. (I know we are)

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/04/24 09:34 AM.