Since certain people wanna continue to play games, then let’s play games, shall we?

Here is even more evidence, in fact, proof positive evidence, that so-called “pushing back on informants” podcasts are failing miserably;

One particular podcast that focuses on the subject of “lying rats” has been operating for several years already. Yet, more than two years later, they have only a measly 1500 subscribers to show for all their desperate efforts. How sad.

Clearly, this shows the content they offer sucks, and that their podcast is sucking wind badly, which only further goes to prove my point. Which is their content is so boring that nobody even bothers visiting their podcast.

A different, but affiliated podcast, created at least as many years ago, which also focuses on “exposing rats” is in similarly bad shape. I believe this podcast has only around 1000 subscribers.

1500 subs? 1000 subs? Ya gotta be kidding, right?

Thats all they’ve got to show after being in business for years? (If you can even call it a “business” when you suck wind that badly.)

If you were running a legitimate bricks-n-mortar business that produced those paltry numbers, you’d have put the key in the front door and filed for bankruptcy protection already.

PS: Quite frankly, I wouldn’t even trust these embarrassing statistics. Because, no doubt, along the way they’ve also paid money to “buy” views and subs to try and bolster their appearance and failing podcasts to make themselves look relevant….which, clearly, they are not!

It’s actually laughable.

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/03/24 11:35 AM.