Joey Merlino — You better wake up already!

This entire mess that Joey Merlino is creating (and make no mistake about it fellas, because this IS a mess,) and the resulting negative exposure he’s generating for himself from all the publicity surrounding him is one of the worst things — if not the worst thing — that Merlino could have done (to himself I might add.)

From his ridiculous “The Skinny” podcast starring Joey Merlino, to his latest faux pas of granting an interview to Vlad TV, what does he think he’s accomplishing here? If it weren’t so sad and foolish, it would actually be comical….but its not. It’s just plain stupid!

You know, if he were just some nobody, just some dorky computer nerd sitting at a keyboard in his daddy’s basement getting cheap thrills, that would be one thing...But he’s not.

Because if you believe what local and federal law enforcement authorities have to say about him, he is, or was, the leader of Philadelphia’s Mob…So it begs the question, ”Has Merlino lost all his fucking marbles?”

Regardless of whether Merlino is still involved in organized crime or not is patently immaterial. What the fuck does he REALLY think he is accomplishing with all this nonsense? Does he really believe that he’s “exposing” mob informants for what they are? If so, thats fucking laughable!

Isn’t he sharp enough to know in his heart of hearts that the general public already knows all of this bullshit and really doesn’t give two shits about any of these informants or the guys put in jail by their testimony? Is he REALLY that naive?

I believe that the correct answer to that question is —- no, he isn’t naive. I find that very hard to believe. Joey’s a knockaround guy and he knows better than that…or he should know better than that.

Merlino may not be a book-educated guy. He’s no Rhodes Scholar. But, he has graduated from a thousand schools of hard knocks and he’s a “street guy” through and through. He should know better…and deep down, I think he does.

So, for my money, something else must be going on behind the scenes over here….Because I do not believe Merlino has suddenly turned “public advocate” for the betterment of the wrongly incarcerated or to help “straighten out” the judicial process. WTF, he became a social worker now? LOL. Don’t make me fucking laugh!

There’s gotta be another reason why Merlino is doing all this. Is he broke? Does he need money and so he thinks a podcast is gonna generate the finances he needs? If so, then he’d better think again, and go get himself into a real business that will make some real money for him.

Is he looking for his “15 minutes of fame?” I don’t think so. Joey doesn’t strike me as that type of guy.

Does he REALLY believe that making a fool out of himself on public television and the internet is really going to adversely affect the lives or podcasts of any of these rats? I doubt it. In fact, to the contrary, all Merlino is doing is helping these idiots generate more publicity and views for their podcasts.

If you really hate rats they way you profess you do (and I don’t doubt that he does,) how utterly stupid of him to inadvertently help promote their rat platforms.

I didn’t watch the entire Vlad interview…I didn’t have to. But the part I watched was very embarrassing to say the least. Joey Merlino looked like the preverbal “deer caught in the headlights.”

What was going through this man’s mind at that minute? He had to know he was being set-up and that he was suddenly “on the hot seat” in front of millions of viewers. How embarrassing for him (and for the guys back in Philly.)

All the various "mob rat podcasts" as well as the accompanying "rat push back" genre, has become like Barnum & Bailey's Three-Ring Circus!

PS: If you didn't know better, it would almost make you think they're all working together in unison to promote all this nonsense for one another. LOL

Side Note: In closing, let me just say this. I don’t know who’s been pissing in Joey’s ear giving him such bad advice. But he’d better kick them in their ass and chase them ASAP. Because he’s being led astray and he’s not doing himself any favors by pursuing this path he’s on.

My understanding is that Joey’s got some very dear childhood friends back home in Philly. If so, then they better get together and sit him down and knock some sense into this guy’s head, before he puts his foot into his mouth any further than he already has it.

…”The Other Guy”

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/02/24 07:45 AM.