Messina Denaro: 30 years of hiding financed by 'ATM entrepreneurs'

In the list of Messina Denaro's probable "ATM" entrepreneurs there are many names, such as the online betting manager, Carlo Cattaneo. In the space of a few years, Cattaneo has transformed his betting business into a network of gaming outlets spread across Castelvetrano, the rest of the province of Trapani and Palermo. The credit for Cattaneo's entrepreneurial success seems to be due to the support of the super fugitive's favorite nephew, Francesco Guttadauro , but also to that of the boss's brother-in-law, Rosario Allegra . The investigations revealed that Cattaneo had repeatedly demonstrated his gratitude by delivering packs of banknotes to Allegra. Which is why, a few years ago, the entrepreneur from Castelvetrano was arrested on charges of external complicity in a mafia association. As Messina Denaro himself admitted during the first interrogation, the accomplices who helped him during his fugitive are numerous. From the investigations that have been carried out over the years, many code names have emerged. The name Parmigiano, for example, has been found in numerous pizzini, or that of Fragolone, Fragolina, Condor, Ciliegia, Reparto, Malato, Complicato and Mela.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"