Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by NYMafia
In that life, if you're gonna be a street guy, then you're not supposed to even give up a dog. Nobody! Thats the unwritten "code of the street." You're not supposed to cooperate with the courts or any law enforcement authority in any way, shape or form.

So, in essence, that fact that he gave up information, and later, even got up on the stand, swore an oath, and then testified, shows one thing. He ratted!

You're completely right and this is just another example in which we can again witness the old "Americanized" group that obviously didnt care much about the old rules.

Well, certain guys anyway. I won't make a blanket statement like that for everyone, because there were many guys, the overwhelming majority, in fact, who stood up.

But like the old saying goes, if you got a 1000 guys, and only 5 go bad, well, thats still 5 too many, right?

And those 5 guys, those 5 bad apples, stick out like sore thumbs...while the other 995 go unnoticed because they're only doing what's expected of them. They almost become "uneventful" in a sense.

Very nicely said bud. I dont know much regarding the rest of the families, but during the old days the Outfit obviously had more than few rats and CI's in their ranks, and most of em were never discovered by their peers.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good