Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Toodoped
The Chi Heights family was "separate" group until 1925 and later became official crew for the Chicago Outfit with their own seat on the board of directors. So I really dont want to split hairs but they were official crew with their satelite crew in Indiana.

The Cicero area was divided between two official crews, with Giancana and Buccieri on the north and Aiuppa around the southern part. Or in other words, the area represented their prime headquarters and both crews had satelite crews in different areas and towns.

Just my two cents...

I agree with you. Like I said, it can be a slippery slope sometimes and you just gotta make a judgement call accordingly.

For instance, another good example of what I'm trying to say would be Rocco (The Old Man) Pellegrino, who was the capo in charge of Westchester County (which in reality is NOT that many miles from NYC proper.) But Westchester County is a huge territory encompassing many large and significant towns and areas with around a million people. So I listed him as a distinct "satellite," as opposed to many other capos who were also extremely significant with large crews of their own, (dozens and dozens of them,) but fell within the borders of the City of NY.

I agree again.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good