Originally Posted by Toodoped
Since you have Canada, than you can also add Sam Giancana in Mexico. He had one or two casinos over there, and was involved in real estate.

Giancanas friend and associate Richard Cain controlled gambling operation and also dope deals in Madrid, Spain.

Hyman Larner and the Bastone brothers were stationed in Panama during one period.

Chicago also had deported high level members in Italy, such as Dom Roberto and Tommy Morgano, who still received income from the US and made deals on their side in Europe.

How long was Giancana in Mexico? Also, did he have any men there, or no?

Aside from Italy, Cuba, Island and possibly South America, I don't think the "American" guys ran any significant crews or sustained rackets out of the country. (I also don't wanna get too far flung with this map)

The Robertos brothers I'm familiar with. Did they continue to operate rackets overseas? Or were they just still receiving money from back home?

For instance, we know that once they returned back to Sicily/Italy, guys like Luciano and Coppola continued and even accelerated their rackets, i.e. narcotics smuggling to the States, counterfeiting, etc.

Do we have info that Roberto or Morgano did the same? Because then that would qualify them as a "satellite"