ButtonGuys has a new game we think you may enjoy.

Let's call it the "BG Challenge." From time to time I'll post up a question for you to answer. Some of you might find a few of these to be real mind benders, while others might find them easy-breezy...But regardless, we hope it'll be a fun diversion from the norm. I plan to really mix it up to keep it fresh and interesting....Here is the first one....

DESCRIPTION: The five men listed below had reputations as dyed-in-the-wool hoodlums in the cities where they operated. Some were gamblers, others handled narcotics, etc. Most were suspected of being made guys. So here's the challenge....

"Match the nickname of the hoodlum in question with the corresponding city he operated in, by matching that man's number, with the letter of the city you feel matches.

For instance, 1-A (Fat Artie, New York, NY) or 4-E (Fat John, Milwaukee, WI)

1) Fat Artie
2) Fat Angie
3) Fat Nunzie
4) Fat John
5) Fat Sam

A) New York, NY
B) New York, NY
C) Tampa, FL
D) Boston, MA
E) Milwaukee, WI

PS: For extra bragging rights and a cigar, include the man's "real" first and last name.

Have at it fellas! Let's see who knows their stuff and can nail it.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/13/24 05:02 AM.