Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very Good! You are the best and I apologize for being an asshole to you before. I promise to do better and I'm also sorry for asking for the real name when we both know that I should have just told you that you were correct immediately. I'm an ass

Wow! Thank you smile

Wow! Now you guys are creating BS and Fake posts too. You guys must really be bored and have a lot of time on your hands....but most likely you must have strapped on your dominatrix outfit too tight and all the blood and oxygen drained from that little peabrain of yours.

When has it become acceptable on this forum for people to go into other people's accounts (how, I don't know but I have an idea) to create FAKE posts like above? You know damn well TOG didn't write that BS.

Yeah MS, when you really think about it, thats actually VERY disturbing that "certain" people here...certain troublemakers here on GBB have access to the private accounts and private handles of fellow forum members.

Its not hard to imagine that these creepy bastards also have the ability to read other peoples PM's and correspondence (which is supposed to be private) between members here. I mean, WTF...what the FUCK is that??

Its unethical at best, and downright unsavory and who knows what the fuck else at its worst!.....hummmmm???