Originally Posted by ChiTown
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by NYMafia
TD, That theory of yours, about Scalise burglarizing LaPietra's home in search of the jewelry he was stiffed on, is very plausible to me. Because LaPIetra was known as a very cheap guy, and a chiseler. So that scenario could have very well have been the case, where the original thieves got stiffed for their end of the job.

Thats right and you're spot on everything you said. In fact, during the 90s the Outfit allegedly stopped taxing all of city's burglary crews and so this gave a "green light" to guys like Scalise to steal or to rob any establishment, even the ones who were previously owned by former Outfit guys. According to one convo between Scalise and one of his associates, Scalise knew that former or late bosses like Ferriola and LaPietra had safes in their houses filled with stolen jewelry from the old days.

I think it was Jimmy Inendino who gave Scalise that green light based on what I read - perhaps not to rob LaPietra's home outright, but to rob essentially anyone. Scalise is one of the most interesting guys in the Outfit - all that prison time and never flipped on guys who likely fucked him over.

Thats right @ChiTown since I already mentioned Inendino's name in the whole story and sources say that it was Jimmy I who allegedly gave Scalise info on what was going on in the LaPietra's house on daily basis. Jimmy I received the info from some of his associates regarding that PARTICULAR DAY, something which makes me think on whether the Outfit still took care of the families of fallen members?! I mean if Jimmy I was able to find out if anyone from the LaPietra family was in the house that same day, than it is quite possible that he and his associates from the Cicero-Chinatown group visited the residence quite often...some food for thought

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