Michael Squicciarini
Squicciarini was only in a few episodes of The Sopranos, playing the role of Frank Cippolina, or “Big Frank.” In real life, he did five years hard time for aggravated assault and was associated with the DeCavalcante crew, the New Jersey-based crime family said to be the inspiration for The Sopranos.

Squicciarini passed away in 2001 at age 44, and in 2002, was implicated in a murder. According to The Guardian, he helped lure a rival drug dealer to a Brooklyn club so that DeCavalcante capo Joseph Conigliaro could shoot him.

Witnesses fingered Squicciarini after spotting him on the show, and prosecutors posthumously tied him to the crime as part of Conigliaro’s crew. They weren’t sure how deeply he was involved, but believed he also moved and disposed of the body.

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