Originally Posted by Brovelli
Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by Brovelli
It’s an interesting comparison with Canada. I dont follow the Canada stuff that closely but Canada they are heavily involved in drugs right? Whereas in the US they have avoided being the leader in that business likely to their own financial loss. Drugs being a worldwide criminal business and so volatile and competitive it has consistently had a lot of murder. In Canada is it Italian groups killing each other or are there multiple ethnic/general crime groups involved? I assume multiple

Like I said its the businesses that the mob is involved in here that plays a role in them choosing the way they conduct business.

Look at guys like Tommy Pitera. He was a stone cold killer because he was involved in the drug trade at a very intense and stressful level.

Yea and where has he been stuck since the 80s lol…

As a mob boss I'm putting my money into legit businesses in 2024. I mean lets be realistic, are we really gonna do this shit and have these headaches making decisions that are going to put us in prison within 5-10 years? I'll be smart enough to be involved in rackets that they would need a shitload of evidence to put me away. Murder and drugs are off limits in my opinion if I'm thinking about this with a clear head.

Last edited by RushStreet; 02/01/24 03:19 PM.