The problem is the mob culture in America has changed. Canada still has the same technology we have here, DNA , all of that. The guys up there are not afraid to whack someone and use violence to conduct business.

I guarantee you up there people are afraid and for that you don't see many rats up there do you? Nope you do not because they know there are consquences unlike here in America. I'm honestly not sure why the mob here is afraid to use violence. It goes much deeper than RICO and all that shit. Part of the reason is that cops are not on the payroll of mobsters anymore here in America like they once were, but in places like Canada they are. When the mob was killing people here in America they had entire police departments working for them. Now you may have a few corrupt cops but not enough to really allow the mob to whack people left and right or even whack people to begin with.

The mob has become very civilized and involved in legit business here in America and that is a problem also which carries over to the way they conduct business.

Last edited by RushStreet; 02/01/24 01:23 PM.