Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Luciano was boss before Vito...Luciano was in the narcotics biz before Vito, although it is possible that later Vito took it to another level while in Italy but still, Lucky was one of the prime players during the 50s....Lucky also had interests in Cuba since the 30s...so Ill go with Luciano

...in addition to my previous post, according to two prison guards who were watching Luciano in jail on daily basis, said that whenever some of the inmates visited Lucky, after finishing their comvo, they never turned their backs at him but instead they exited his cell walking backwards like saluting a "King".

Also (I already posted this in a different thread), when Lucky was placed on a ship to Italy, at least a dozen of cars filled with Luckys associates followed the ship on the docks as a last farewell. Thats RESPECT.

Thats true, TD. I remember reading that too.