Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
Both were instrumental, but I'd actually lean towards Genovese. Lucky gets credited with alot, and deservedly so, but if you think about it, he wasn't on the street all that long. Commission was formed in the early 30s, and he was off to jail by the late 30's, then off to Italy. Obviously he held heavy influence, but Genovese was mostly here in the states, with his eyes on everything going on. He had a short stint in Italy as well, and held enough power to cozy up to Mussolini. I will say, I think that Genovese is to blame for Apalachin getting busted, but the guy saw and presided over the Genovese family when the mob ran everything. For my money, I'm taking Costello over both.

You certainly make some good points, BT.

Thats why I thought this question, in particular, would be interesting to discuss. Because both these fellas had great points, and a few not so great points, about them.

Also, I agree with you about Frank. For my money, nobody could touch him!