This is what is fucked up about the left. They would rather have a 83 year old dumb fuck who can't even form a sentence and can't keep us out of wars to save his life because he comes off as a nice old man, than a guy who puts a premium on keeping our borders safe, food on the shelves and grocery stores, lower prices on gas and goods and quality of life. But god forbid he says he believes in pro life and says he likes to grab a woman by the pussy.

By the way next time he says pussy, he needs to tell Jill Biden to get on her knees and spread hers for a real man because her husband can't get it up anymore. Lets see what Bidens reaction is to that!

Can you imagine the mayhem that would create with the radical left?

Last edited by RushStreet; 01/24/24 06:17 PM.