Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by ChiTown
Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
He's become an embarrassment. If he was my boss I would beg to be transferred. No way I'm having a boss who is on TikTok

Embarrassment to who? Mob forums?
Bud you have a reality TV star as your avatar GTFO lol He wears more fake tanner than Joey ever will too and is probably just as desperate to spend other people's money.

Embarrassment to his own people and the life. Are you in a fucking coma homie? THE MAN HAS A FUCKING TIK TOK CHANNEL!!!!! A TIK TOK CHANNEL!!!!!!!!! I bet you were born in '05

Also Trump was a great president. MUCH MUCH BETTER THAN BIDEN. Biden doesn't even know he's the president. They need to remind him 8 times a day

Agreed! All the left can do is cry that Trump makes fun of pussies and has orange skin. Guess what? He grabs whoaaas by the pussy and fucks em up the ass all while keeping us out of wars and our borders safe. A true alpha!!! Biden can suck a cock!!!