Originally Posted by jace
They seem to be wanting to confront Merlino. If he goes after them in any way, he'll be arrested, If he ignores them they will say he was afraid of them. they are going to Philly to see him, he may be in Florida.

I think Merlino is too smart to go after him and risk more jail time, plus having his platform, he can either keep this feud going with whatever narrative he wants or he can never mention it again and keep growing his following, which = more money.

I think Joey speaks a lot of truth and is the main made guy, if not only one online blasting rats for what they are and not wanting anything to do with them.
His platforms will continue to grow I’m sure.

I think he could care less about Brain Damaged Borello, he has to mention him because he’s a rat with a new book out, but I don’t think he cares enough about some washed up Bonanno associate to risk going back to prison at his age by doing anything to Borello.