Originally Posted by CNote
Born before 1930, Quiet Dom was OG in every sense. His father Alphonse was part of the team that garotted Larry Gallo at the Sahara Lounge in 1961 in Flatbush, Bk. Dom started out as a boxer with the Chin before committing to the life. He didn't actually have his son whacked but didn't stand in the way after the kid insulted Vinny Gorgeous, the one person who bragged about the hit, was also whacked. I used to eat at a diner on Houston and LaGuardia Pl circa 2004-05, and there was an older guy from the neighborhood whom used to come into the diner and tell stories about The Chin and Quiet Dom, so I started buying him dinner to get him to tell me stories. It seemed he had a rent controlled apartment in Greenwich Village on Thompson or Sullivan between Bleeker and W4 St and would run errands for guys around the social club on Sullivan St. He was entertaining and would come into the diner and get excited about what the Chin said to him today.

This is a cool story, I would have liked to been able to listen to his stories.
What do you remember about things he said about Chin? Anything about his mannerisms or attitude, or how guys acted around him, etc?