01/17/2024, 7.39pm

Vibo, injured police officer: 7 years and three months in prison for the son of boss Mancuso

Luigi Mancuso, 32 years old, from San Gregorio, son of the 'ndrangheta boss Giuseppe Mancuso, alias 'Mbrogghhia, was sentenced to 7 years and 3 months in prison for attempted murder and resisting a public official.
The accusation referred to the injuries caused to a policeman on duty at the police squad of the Vibo Valentia police station on the night between 30 September and 1 October. According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the young man, during a normal police check which took place in the city centre, was stopped while he was in a car but instead of providing the documents for recognition and identification, he grabbed arm in arm with the officer, dragging him with the car for a few hundred meters and crushing him against the wall before throwing him to the ground in front of a bar in Piazza San Leoluca.

The Vibo Valentia Prosecutor's Office had charged the young man with the crime of attempted murder, in addition to resisting a public official, since - according to the prosecution's statement - he risked killing the policeman who was injured and transferred in serious condition to the Jazzolino hospital where he was fractures of two vertebrae, head trauma and several bruises were found.