None of these fellas today....NONE of them, could ever hold a candle to the way wiseguys dressed from yesteryear. Especially guys from New York City! It's not even a contest. These guys today look like they get dressed in the dark. Lol....They don't know what the fuck they're doing....NO style. NO sense of fashion.....Pleeeez! They couldn't even carry the old-timers jock straps.

Hickey Freeman, Sulka, Saks Fifth Avenue, Hart Schaffner & Marx, Mario Valente, F.R. Tripler & Co., etc.....THESE were suits. These were manufacturers...expensive and classy! Guys looked like a they strolled into places like the Copacabana, The Pygmalian and The Stork Club.

90% of the guys "on the streets" today, never even heard of these manufacturers names, let alone ever bought themselves one of their suits.

What guys spent, years ago, on their shoes and silk socks alone, these jerk-offs today don't spend, couldn't spend, wouldn't even know HOW to spend, that kinda money on their entire outfits...even if they had it. Lol

Guys like John (Johnny Dio) Diogaurdi, Vincenzo (Jimmy Doyle) Plumeri, Gaetano (Tommy Brown) Lucchese, Francesco (Frank Costello) Castiglia, Giuseppe (Joe Adonis) Doto, John (Big John) Ormento, Joseph (Joe Beck) DiPalermo, Louis (Louie Dome) Pacella, etc. etc. etc., etc....

Like I said, it ain't even a contest!

THOSE were sharp dressers. Not these guys....Nowadays, they look like half-a-stumblebums. Even WHEN they're in suits and ties.

The suits they wear look like they came off the "5 & 10 cent" rack.

Last edited by NYMafia; 01/19/24 04:51 AM.