Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
Almost without exception, everyone that turned on them got fucked outta either their livelihood, or years of their life, or both. They never made anything right.

I think that was one of Vito’s weaknesses. He had too many turn on him later on because of guys getting fucked over for territory or control.

De Vito thought they were to blame (maybe was but I really don’t think so)
Desjardins over the drug bust
Del Balso/Giordano over the book

Granted Giordano was offered a 1/4 of the book after he got out but he turned it down and that’s what got him killed. Del Balso was heavily involved with the betting & juice and of course was following Giordano and got even worse after Lorenzo was killed.

Raynald they basically banished it seemed but he was still heavily involved in drugs with Mirarchi but I’d say it would have benefited Vito more to keep Desjardins happy

Then the decision to put Arcadi in charge started all the chaos. There’s no doubt Vito was bright but I also think he made his share of mistakes like all of them have but you don’t last as long as he did in this day and time and not be smart though so as Junior Soprano would say: “he’s one keen motherfucker”