I don't think we really know what these so-called 'codes' really were in practice -only what we've been told. These are narcissitic sociopathic criminals who prey on people and most of them are selling and doing drugs - those guys in NYC had teen prostitutes - anything they can to make money - rats and snitches have been part of the mafia as long as its been around because that's what it attracts - sociopaths. A bunch of these guys are so broke they are now doing YouTube - some could argue even current guys who haven't flipped (Merlino) are starting to get into this too to make a buck. The mafia has always profited on its image - plenty of these guys wrote books and bios over the years even guys like Jonny Fratto in the entertainment business and Fred Pacente (who I knew loosely) were making money off this a decade ago. I don't think this is much different, just a modern version and to be honest - its the fanboys who make them so popular. Random people are not listening to Gene Borello and Merlino - its all of us lol.