Originally Posted by Evita

I reckon, the family under Michael was "legitimate" he had achieved the semblance of the "legitimacy" it ever going to be.... successful businessman, philanthropist and as We see in GFIII more "legitimate" than ever

Michael's "legitimate" front was the Elephant in the room and as we saw people were not treating him as crime boss to his face and going along with it -- Senator attending Anthony's party, Mr. Wonderful by the Sierra Boys Choir, Plaque, Roth's birthday party, Superman club

he had achieved legitimacy -- was respected and honored
In II, Senator attending Anthony's party, Mr. Wonderful by the Sierra Boys Choir, Plaque, Roth's birthday party, Superman club
In III, founded a gigantic philanthropy. Pope made him a Knight of St. Sebastian. blessed by the Pope.

Bigger than US Steel clap