Originally Posted by Brovelli
In one of his podcasts he stressed when talking about gene borello that he was “welcome in New York and welcome at raos”. I found it interesting but strange thing to be emphasizing . Like is he making clear he’s still in the mob? Or that he’s out but people in New York are still ok with him being around? Unlike a rat, as a former boss of a family (or current boss) you just wouldn’t think he’d even need to say anything. Suggests to me he is no longer involved but not on bad terms, I just can’t imagine he would say anything like that if he was still involved.

Also interesting that it’s acceptable to hang around with actors who portray mob stuff but rats are scum of the earth. I get it but all these movies etc put out there everything you shouldn’t want to have in public but these guys stand around posing with all the actors just adding to their own “fame”

He was saying he was welcome , meaning he wasn't viewed as a rat and can go anywhere he wants to unlike Borello or Alite. Going To Rao's means the wise guys don't view him as a rat despite his podcast. Merlino is no rat and he is no longer involved.