Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Embarrassing in every sense of the word whether true or not.

He's far from the first...The old timers would rather have an inferior attorney then pay for a good one !!

Thats true DL...to a degree. Because many of the old-time zips were very tight with a buck. They came from poverty, so even though many achieved some wealth they never wanted to spend any of it because they never knew if hard times would befall them again.
But Castellazzo is different. Very different. Its one thing to be tight with a buck, but still carry yourself in a dignified manner and dress properly (if not expensively,) live in a small modest home or even a nice apartment (if not a mansion,) drive a medium-priced car (if not a Jaguar or Benz,) etc.....But still hold your head high and carry yourself in a refined and dignified manner....that befitting a mafioso, a half-a-boss no less!

But this guy lives in a low-end trailer park in a filthy broken-down hobo's trailer that looks like its about to collapse and not fit for occupancy, which by the way is underwritten by the State Welfare Department, while he also collects a welfare check each month, has a welfare "food debit card" so he can go to a supermarket and pick up a block of cheese, milk, bread, and the barest of essentials allowed on that state-run "card" to exist week-to-week, etc.

Are we kidding each other here, or what??....THATS a mafioso? Pleeeeez!

NO "self-respecting" wiseguy, NONE, would ever stoop to collect welfare. Especially ones who actually have money. Because it shows that they're not successful as a mob guy. Its a major embarrassment among their peers....And for the few bust-outs who did, who really DO need that monthly stipend, believe me when I tell ya, they're definitely not advertising it around, even to a judge, especially knowing its gonna hit the newspapers and everyone will read about it.

He's gotta be the laughingstock of any knock-around guy, in any crew, throughout all NY and NJ who knows about his lifestyle. In fact, IMO, he is MORE than embarrassing!

This guy's a total disgrace to the "professional."

I didn't know it was that bad...

My father gew up poor, and threw quarters like manhole covers...I think he paid me under minimum wage when I was a kid...

Liked to have a roll in his pocket, because he never had one before...

These guys today don't know what poverty is...My father told me a story that he had a pigeon coop and one day he came home and none were there and none flew back...He said his grandmother strangled them and made soup with them !!

Definitely DL, this guys's a next-level brokster.
And I also agree with your other point also. 99% of people nowadays really have no clue what real "poverty" is. Like "Depression Era" poverty that the old-timers grew up within....And that's in THIS country, America! lol. Back in their homelands, (in my family's case, Southern Italy/Sicily,) the daily plight they faced in their countries of origin made even the so-called 1920s Depression Era seem good. lol