Originally Posted by eastsideofvan
Not even remotely the same thing in Canada. No laws like RICO, very lenient sentences including for murder, and to top it all off the province of Quebec in particular is completely corrupt; the cops, the judges, the juries, everything. Legally, it's still the 1950's in Quebec.

Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by Lou_Para
Killing a guy nowadays is not the same as it was years ago.

You got DNA, video cameras everywhere,(outside of every business,traffic cams,Ring doorbells,cell phones,etc.)

Plus the newer generation of unprincipled Mob guys that will roll over to avoid a 10-15 yr prison sentence.

There are some cases that justify a death sentence,but only as a last resort.

Same thing in Canada but are still murders.

I was logging on to say exactly this. Furio, your post couldn't be more wrong. In Canada, they may catch the gang member who did it, but it stops there. The almost never catch the four Italian guys who passed the message to each other then down to the gang member. In the U.S., all of those guys get life because of RICO. See Crea, Steven. You get life for nodding your head. In the U.S., you can flip and move to California or Florida. Where are you going to move in Canada, Winnipeg??

And even when they do get caught up there like with the Montagna hit through encrypted Blackberries, all of those guys are out of jail already! I don't even think the hitman got life!

Last edited by mike68; 01/11/24 01:28 PM.