Originally Posted by Dwalin2011
Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Sacra Corona Unita

The organization was formed by on 25 December 1983, when several imprisoned Camorra and Ndrangheta members gathered at Giuseppe Rogoli's prison cell and initiated and sanctioned him as the head of a new criminal organization which, with the support of the Ndrangheta, would set itself up as Apulia's crime syndicate.

Is this statement true ? And if it is… why create a new organization?
Contrary to the Stidda in Sicily, it doesn’t seem it was because of a rivalry inside an organization

I think the new organization was needed initially to fight the expansion of Raffaele Cutolo's camorra organization into Apulia; the local criminals organized themselves with the support of the 'ndrangheta Bellocco group.

Wasn'torganized crime around in Apulia about as long as the Sicilan Mafia, Camorra.and N'dragheta had been around? And called La Mala Vita in Apulia (even though that's also an Umbrella ,name as is "Maffa" gfor all these groups? And then Cutola organized at least some of them into his Camorra faction? And as you say those who were a branch of the Camorra broke off on their own.Maybe with as it says above with the backing of the NDrangheta? ?

Jusr asking questions based on things I'd read