Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by Toodoped
One of the most infamous women associates was Virginia Hill who in turn worked as "bagman" for the Mob and also worked as "spy" for the Chicago Outfit.

Also as Furio said, some women in Italy acted as messengers between their imprisoned husbands or brothers, or even sometimes acted as bosses for the organization, again in some "connected" role. Maybe Im wrong and probably both Furio and Strax can correct me, but I think these examples were mainly seen in the Camorra...

I just read that about Virginia Hill in a government report. Also, is the woman you're speaking of Maria Licciardi?

Yes,Maria Licciardi is an example and women regents are common in camorra and ndrangheta less in the sicilian mafia. And an associate can be everything not only a killer but also a person that help in the rackets.
RushStreet,in my opinion to use a woman as killers would be a good idea for return to the bloody old days but you can rest assured,nobody in american mafia would have the balls to do that.